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No beverage is inherently good or bad.  They can each be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle when consumed in moderation and as part of an overall balanced diet.

Beverages are an integral part of our lives and we select them for lots of different reasons – thirst, fun, taste, energy, hunger, boredom, to cool down and even warm up. Personal selection is based on your age, stage, lifestyle and the occasion.  Many beverages are also part of our social occasions with family, friends and at special events and holidays.


It is common knowledge that water is essential for life.  It is recommended that we drink around 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day to ensure our body has all the water it needs to function normally.

Water is important to maintain our body temperature, keep skin moist, transport oxygen in our blood, and for vital organs to stay healthy and function normally, to name a few of its important functions.

Water is the oldest hydration medium, before the invention of other beverages. Today, because of advancement in food technology, other beverages have been developed so we have a lot more variety to choose from. Although all non-alcoholic beverages can be used as a hydration medium they need to be balanced through a healthy beverage consumption.

In Fiji temperatures can be hotter resulting in an increased need for fluid to keep cool and comfortable. On very hot days, the body sweats to maintain an even temperature, which contributes to an increase in the loss of fluid so more fluid is needed for your body to function optimally.


Healthy beverage consumption is when we enjoy beverages as part of a balanced and varied diet.

All non-alcoholic beverages, both sugar-sweetened and non-sugar, are a refreshing and pleasant addition to a balanced diet when consumed in moderation. Different people have different dietary aims, and may have different needs with regards to energy consumption and how they choose to consume that energy.

Because of this, The FBG companies produce a range of beverages to suit different lifestyles, hydration needs, taste and kilojoule preferences to make it easier for people to select beverages that help maintain their energy balance.

Healthy beverage consumption means considering what the energy we are taking in from our drinks with our total energy needs. A healthy body weight is achieved by balancing energy intake with energy expenditure.

All have a Nutrient Information Panel on the back of every package which shows the amount of energy that beverages contain.



All non-alcoholic beverages can be enjoyed as part of balanced and varied diet but the types and amounts each person is best to drink will depend on their overall diet, lifestyle and level of activity.

If you need to reduce your energy there is likely to be a similar product that has lower energy content.

If you really don’t want to miss out on your favorite beverage then smaller amounts enjoyed less often might be a good idea.


There are some simple things we should do to protect our teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Good dental hygiene (brushing teeth daily), regular dental checks and ensuring your teeth are not continually exposed to starchy or sugary food are all important.


Beverages not only provide essential hydration but can also be a source of other nutrients. As well as energy some beverages can be a source of vitamins and minerals, protein, fats and other carbohydrates. The Nutrition Information Panel on the back of every beverage package states what nutrients each beverage contains. There is wide variation in the energy content of different beverages even though they may appear to be almost exactly the same.  


No one food or beverage can provide all the nutrients we need. Just as excessive intake of one food or drink may prevent us getting the nutrients we need from other foods.

Variety means including a wide range of foods and beverages so we can obtain the many different nutrients our body needs to be healthy.

Balance means consuming the right amounts of each type of food and beverages.

There are many foods we need to eat lots of while there are others we should only enjoy in smaller amounts or occasionally.


Consuming more energy from our food and beverage intake than we expend leads to weight gain.  This weight gain is due to the excess, or unused energy being stored as fat.

Excess body weight puts stress on our body and can lead to other serious health problems. Individual energy needs vary depending on our energy intake and expenditure.

Energy Intake = Energy consumed from all foods and beverages

Energy Expended = Energy used to fuel our activity, sports, exercise and by our body to perform all its necessary functions.

Energy (or calories) is provided by many beverages and those calories need to be considered as part of our daily energy intake.


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