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Food technology Solved Mcqs

Food technology Solved MCQs

Who is responsible for safe food handling in the food premises?
(a) Head Chef
(b) Owner
(c) Anyone handling food
(d) All of the above

Food in the Refrigerator must be kept at:
(a) 0ºC-5ºC
(b) 0ºC-8ºC
(c) 0ºC-10ºC
(d) 0ºC-12ºC

The food temperature ‘danger zone’ is between what temperature range?
(a) 15ºC-75ºC
(b) 5ºC-80ºC
(c) 5ºC-60ºC
(d) 0ºC-15ºC

How can you tell if food has enough bacteria to cause food poisoning?
(a) It smells bad
(b) It tastes bad
(c) It smells, tastes and looks bad
(d) You can’t tell. It smell, tastes and looks normal

The correct way to thaw food is:
(a) Leave on the bench over night
(b) In the refrigerator on the bottom shelf
(c) In the sink
(d) Cook it still frozen

When reheating cooked foods or cooking stuffed meat or poultry, the
internal temperature should be at least:
(a) 100ºC
(b) 37ºC
(c) 75ºC
(d) 50ºC

Foods not likely to support bacterial growth are:
(a) Fresh meat and poultry
(b) Fish and seafood
(c) Dried pasta, noodles or bread
(d) Milk and cream

The maximum length of time that prepared foods may be held in the
temperature danger zone is:
(a) Overnight
(b) 4 hours
(c) 30 minutes
(d) 1 day

Hot food required for service the next day should:
(a) Be placed in the refrigerator immediately after cooking
(b) Be left in the kitchen to cool for 6 hours
(c) Be cooled rapidly then refrigerate and reheated to above 60ºC
(d) Should be left in a cold oven overnight

What are the basic steps of washing hands?
(a) Wash thoroughly and dry well
(b) Apply soap, wash well, rinse and dry with disposable paper towel
(c) Apply soap, wash well, rinse and dry with tea towel
(d) Rinse and dry with tea towel

When storing food in the fridge or freezer, you should
(a) Cover, label & date foods
(b) Rotate stock – first in, first out rule
(c) Record the temperature of the fridge and/or freezer daily
(d) All of the above

If you are a food handler and you have been vomiting and/or had
diarrhea when should you return to work?
(a) When you feel better
(b) After 1 week
(c) When your doctor advises you can
(d) The next day

When preparing food, any cuts and wounds should be:
(a) Covered with a band aid
(b) Left uncovered
(c) Covered with a blue band aid & disposable glove
(d) Covered with a disposable glove

A detergent:
(a) Helps remove visible soil
(b) Helps reduce microbial load
(c) Makes cleaning easier
(d) Leaves a pleasant after-smell

A sanitizer:
(a) Helps remove visible soil
(b) Helps reduce microbial load
(c) Makes cleaning easier
(d) Leaves a pleasant after-smell

What are the basic steps for cleaning effectively?
(a) Main cleaning and rinsing
(b) Scraping, main cleaning, sanitizing and wiping
(c) Scraping, main cleaning, sanitizing and air drying
(d) Rinsing, sanitizing and wiping


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