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Possible Side Effects of Drinking too much Water

Possible Side Effects of Drinking too much Water

Swells up your cells

Sodium and potassium ions in your body maintain the fluid balance between the cells and also the blood. However, once there's excess water within the blood and salt and ions within the cells, water rushes into the cells and swells them up. this can be risky for your nerve cells of your brain due to the restricted area within the skull and may result in seizures, headaches and brain injury.

Low Potassium levels

Low potassium levels are another side effect of over hydration. this could cause symptoms like vomiting, low blood pressure, nausea, and diarrhea. thus if your body is in a state of water retention, its best to not drink a lot of water.

Low sodium levels

Drinking an excessive amount of water will disturb your body's overall sodium balance. Critically, it should be 145 m Eq/L however when it goes lower than 135 m Eq/L, it may result in the swelling up of cells due to an excessive amount of water. in case of sodium loss, one must avoid drinking more water because it simply makes conditions worse. This condition is seen in athletes who lose a lot of sodium because of sweating.

Muscle cramps

Filling up on the water can disturb your body's fluid balance because of a drop in electrolyte levels. this will disturb the normal functioning of muscles, thereby leading to muscle cramps and spasms. thus if you're into a high-intensity sport, then you need to drink water to hydrate yourself however you must also drink sports drinks to fill your body up with electrolytes.

Overwhelming the kidneys

Drinking liters of water in a short period of time will overwhelm your kidneys. It puts an excessive amount of pressure on the kidneys to filter the blood and excrete water from the body. Over hydration is dangerous if you're dealing with kidney problems. specialists believe that it's going to spark up the chance of chronic kidney diseases. They additionally believe that an excessive amount of water might increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Makes you feel lethargic

The primary function of your kidneys is excretion of fluids. when you drink too much water than what is required, you kidneys flush that out through urine. However, they need to stress to drain out all this water. These results in a stress-reaction from the hormones thereby making you are feeling fatigued.


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